4 fourth chakra - Anahata (heart chakra)
where is it located, placement
Location. Where is it located:
The heart chakra is located in the chest at the level of the human heart. The shape of the anahata chakra approaches spherical and has a stable size of 5-6 cm in diameter. The 4th chakra connects to the spinal energy column with a funnel-shaped spiral rotating clockwise when viewed from the front towards the spine.
The location of the anahata chakra is what gives it its name - heart, or otherwise - heart chakra. Anahata chakra is also called the "love chakra" or green chakra - according to its color.
Meaning. What is it responsible for:
- The fourth chakra (anahata) is responsible for emotionality, sensitivity, responsiveness, openness of a person - in this regard, this chakra can also be called the "emotional chakra".
- The 4th chakra is the chakra of love, tenderness, the "emotional balancer" of the human organism, the center of Faith and Spiritual stability.
- The anahata chakra is responsible for the formation of a person's emotional shell.
- Being at the center of the entire human energy structure, the heart chakra (anahata) is responsible for balancing, harmonious tuning and interaction of the lower chakra triangle (1-3), responsible for the energy of the material world, and - the upper chakra triangle ( 5-7), responsible for the energy of the higher spiritual plane. The three lower chakras operate with personal energy, separating a person from others. The three highest chakras are collective aspects of the "I", giving a connection to the energy of the Universe. The anahata chakra is the very place where the personal and collective aspects of a person's "I" meet.
- The center of human consciousness, placed in the heart chakra - the green chakra, gets the opportunity to control and manage the entire human bioenergy.
- The level of development of the heart chakra can judge a person's emotional maturity, emotional openness to the surrounding vibrations of the dense and subtle world.
- On the physical level, the anahata chakra is responsible for the activity of the human cardiovascular system, for the condition of the organs of the chest, to a greater extent the heart and lungs.
Anahata chakra. Description and main characteristics:
Color - green
Color - green
Note - F
Element - Air
Number of petals - 12
A petal is its own oscillation that occurs in the oscillatory circuit if the electromagnetic analogy of chakra activity is considered.
Taste - sour
Smell - geranium
Crystals and minerals - aventurine, rose quartz
Translation from Sanskrit - "divine sound", "not experienced a blow"
Correspondence of the heart chakra to body organs and systems:
Women have two emotional chakras (breasts), men have one.
Body systems: cardiovascular
- Heart
- Trachea
- Bronchi
- Lungs
- Arms
- Chest
Levels of development of the anahata chakra:
With high Spiritual development of the 4th chakra: a sense of love (personal and universal), inner harmony, balance and integrity, calmness, equilibrium, inner joy and a sense of happiness, inspiration, creativity, ability to work on the "green ray", harmonious and emotionally enriching cooperation with other people, unconditional love and desire to share one's joy and inner light with others.
With low Spiritual development of the fourth chakra: selfishness, attachment to fetishes, fraud, indecision, insecurity, impatience, laziness, anger, indifference, arrogance, bias, anxiety.
Disorientation or imbalance of the heart chakra: a sense of loneliness, depression or, on the contrary, an exaggerated immersion in love and dependence (such people say, "I love you," implying "I need you"), an exaggerated desire to give, self-sacrifice, increased sensitivity to others' suffering and grief, taking others' mistakes upon oneself and feeling guilty for the actions and negative states of other people.
A developed anahata chakra gives a person: wisdom, self-control, inner strength, overcoming obstacles and difficulties with minimal losses, purity of thoughts, intentions, enhances energy. If a person has the skill of the state of "good neutrality", then such a person is able to communicate at higher levels of our Being.
4th chakra (heart) and emotions:
Fears: of loneliness (weakness of Faith).
Norm: feeling of unity and beauty of the world, joy from various manifestations of forms of love, taking into account the interests of the Incarnate Spirit in love.
Passions: selfishness (self-will, arbitrariness, egocentrism).
Polarization of the anahata chakra in men and women:
The heart chakra (green) in men is omnidirectional, and therefore a man is able to enjoy "anything", that is, completely different aspects of life and activity.
The same applies to the way a man manifests (expresses) love. Being omnidirectional, the love chakra (anahata) in a man is capable by the nature of its structure to radiate (give) and receive the energy of love from different directions. Due to the fact that the 2nd chakra (sexual) of a man is also omnidirectional, it can be concluded that men are polygamous by their energy-informational Nature. This natural property of male chakral activity is a socially recognized fact in Muslim countries that allow men to keep harems at the legislative level.
In women, the heart chakra (4th chakra) is polarized, that is, it has a vector of preferential orientation. For a woman to experience pleasure, she needs a material basis. The same goes for matters of love: "if you love me - prove it." Therefore, at a natural, subconscious level, a woman expects material proof of her man's love for her: gifts, flowers, candy, etc. With a prolonged absence of tangible evidence of male feelings, a woman usually begins to doubt whether she is loved. In accordance with its polarization (directionality), the anahata chakra of a woman is usually oriented towards her beloved man and tracks him.
In the absence of a beloved man in a woman, the female anahata chakra can be polarized towards the last sexual partner (techniques of energy-informational separation from former sex partners need to be performed for its release and reorientation), towards the father of the woman or towards some business, occupation that gives the woman a lot of pleasure.
Amplitude-frequency response of the fourth chakra (Anahata):
This characteristic reflects the dynamic state of the levels of absorption and radiation of energy by the fourth chakra (anahata) of the person being diagnosed.
Shift to "+" area
A shift to the right of the 4th chakra says that a person gets tremendous pleasure from life, which can reach "to puppy delight".
Most often, this is associated not so much with pleasure from the present moment as with anticipation of pleasure in the future. Upbringing of propriety prevents us from rejoicing wildly, and unfortunately we are not taught to rejoice inside without "splashing" all those around us with our emotions.
Shift to "-" area
The shift to the "minus" area in the area of the fourth chakra speaks of pumping energy to another person.
For example, this happens if you love an unlucky, unhappy person and constantly sympathize with him, feel sorry for him. This can also be the result of anxiety and worry associated with some social problems - for example, taxes, wages, the activities of the company you work for.
A strong shift of the amplitude-frequency characteristic in the area of the heart (anahata) chakra can become a consequence of the collapse of the life's work, dissatisfaction with life. It is the cause of angina, tachycardia, heart attacks, breast cancer oncology.
Also read the conceptual article about the general functioning and purpose of human chakras: «Human Chakras and Their Meaning! A Detailed Description of the Chakras»